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ECER 2006 - European Conference on Educational Research

13.09.2006 - 16.09.2006

Ort: Genf, Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education, University of Geneva, 40 boulevard Pont dArve

The conference will welcome contributions on all topics relevant to educational research. The conference theme - Transforming knowledge - will provide an orientation for the keynote addresses and for invited symposia and panels.

Knowledge in its various forms - expert knowledge, knowing what to teach and how, scholarly knowledge, embodied cognition, professional and craft practices - is a central concern for educational research, both from a practical and a theoretical viewpoint. Although knowledge construction and its transformation are at the core of action and reflection in the domain of education, we still fail to understand many aspects of these processes. Research in this area needs to be reinforced and stimulated. The challenge for the ECER 2006 Geneva conference will be to explore collectively this question, which is relevant to all areas of educational research, with the aim of creating synergies that should, in turn, re-shape our knowledge about knowledge transformation.

Deadline for proposals: Wednesday, 1 February 2006

Call for proposals: öffnen hier klicken  (PDF  418 KB)

zur Homepage der Konferenz: hier klicken