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Women in Focus at ECR 2019

28.02.2019 - 01.03.2019

Ort: Wien

"(…) Women in Focus is a brand new initiative coming to the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in 2019. The event will consist of a series of special, non-scientific sessions dedicated to women working in healthcare. Organised by Prof. Hedvig Hricak, the programme will include a diverse array of inspiring speakers from across the world and from a variety of healthcare industries. These speakers will share their views on a range of topics related to gender and healthcare, tackling issues such as female leadership, mentoring, the generational progression of women in medicine, and work in challenging environments.

Intended to be educational as well as inspiring, Women in Focus will explore and celebrate the crucial role that women play in healthcare, whilst offering advice and insights to those wishing to advance their caregiving skills and careers within this sector. Attendees will be able to claim CMEs, and through an interactive session style, including live audience polling and panel discussions, will be encouraged to share their own views on a variety of important issues. As the programme is intended to be relevant and interesting to everyone, and not only to the radiological community, this ECR event will also be open to the public. (…)"

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