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European Quality strategies in Vocational Education and training - A European approach to quality of disability-related social services

22.11.2007 - 23.11.2007

Ort: Verona

The European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR) and the Centro Polifunzionale Don Calabria (ODC) organises the Conference entitled "European Quality strategies in Vocational Education and training - a European approach to quality of disability-related social services". The Conference will take place on 22 and 23 November 2007 and is hosted by ODC in Verona. About 100 rehabilitation professionals from all over Europe are expected to attend. The key European and national stakeholders in the social field will be represented. The Conference will provide in-depth information on European approaches for Quality Assurance and Excellence, and it will put forward the viewpoint of the main European stakeholders in the disability and social sector, with a special focus on VET services. It will also present the results of research and pilot activities carried out in the framework of the project "Implementing Quality Assurance and Strengthening cooperation in Vocational Education and Training" (EQUAVET). The project partners will namely present the results from a cross-reference study on Quality Assurance systems and recommendations made to the European Commission. This important event will offer to the participants the possibility to learn about the latest developments in the European Quality systems and about practical experiences, to exchange views with peers and will offer networking opportunities among the various stakeholders.

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