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International Stakeholder Conference: To Invest in People and Skills: Empowerment through Cooperation and Networking in the Danube Region

13.06.2012 - 14.06.2012

Ort: Wien

The conference will be hosted by the Austrian Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture, Claudia Schmied, as well as the Austrian Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Rudolf Hundstorfer and will be held in Vienna from June 13, till June 14, 2012. It will convene around 160 ACTORS and stakeholders in the fields of education and labour market policies from all 14 DANUBE REGION COUNTRIES, the EUROPEAN COMMISSION and INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS. The conference's goal is to facilitate discussions, agree on next steps and elaborate concrete outputs relevant to the actions of Priority Area 9, which are defined in the Action Plan of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

Agenda: öffnen hier klicken  (PDF  386 KB)

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