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OPEN DAYS-European Week of Regions and Cities

08.10.2007 - 11.10.2007

Ort: Brüssel

The 5th OPEN DAYS-European Week of Regions and Cities will be held between 8 and 11 October 2007 in Brussels for about 3,000 expected regional policy experts and practitioners. Organised by the Committee of the Regions, the European Commission's Regional Policy Directorate General and expected 100 regions, cities and other institutions and private partners from all over Europe, this year's headline is: "Making it happen: regions deliver growth and jobs". About 100 workshops and sessions will focus on the new generation of cohesion policy programmes, which will be implemented in the course of 2007 in all European regions. Between 2007 and 2013, the public and private funding made available through these programmes amounts to about EUR 500 billion.

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