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Qualifying the actors in Adult and Continuing Education in Europe - Trends and perspectives

03.05.2007 - 05.05.2007

Ort: Bad Honnef

The successful participation of adults in lifelong learning depends crucially on the availability of qualified staff in the adult and continuing education sector. Current developments such as the changes in learning and teaching methods, new learning offers and environments, the need to combine formal, non-formal and informal learning, to develop guidance and counselling for adult learners, to promote and market learning offers etc. imply a considerable change and expansion of the roles and work activities of adult educators. The updating of their skills and competences is therefore of crucial importance for improving the conditions under which learning of adults can take place successfully. For the professional development of adult educators it is important to realise that this group is far from begin homogeneous. Rather it includes a wide range of actors who differ considerably in terms of occupational status and educational background and who perform very different types of activities in their job. If adult education is understood as comprising every type of activity that is performed in order to enable and support the learning of adults, it becomes clear that adult education involves much more than teaching or training in the narrower sense. Besides teaching/training, adult education work involves other important fields of activity such as educational management, policy and administration, guidance and counselling, or technical and organisational support.

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