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Microlearning Conference 2007

21.06.2007 - 22.06.2007

Ort: Innsbruck

Microlearning 2007 is discussing the impact of microcontent-based technologies and practices on the way we will be living, working and learning in the years to come. "Microlearning" is what learners incidentally do when immersed in the highly fragmented digital environments of today, characterized by e-mail and mobile texting, googling and podcasting, micro-publishing via blogs, wikis, aggregation & feeds, and - increasingly - the Mobile Web. As "microcontent" is breaking free from macro-sized silos to form new, much more loosely coupled formats and structures, old forms of e-learning, knowledge management, and information acquisition are failing. The emerging new digital micromedia ecology calls for the design of innovative experiences, processes and technologies: personal and dynamic, casual and volatile, but still complex and effective. Microlearning 2007 brings together international experts and leaders from different fields to discuss the impact of microcontent-based technologies and practices: teachers, educators, and learning technologists; academic scholars, consultants, and corporate practitioners; information architects, software developers, and experts in mobile telephony and data services.

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