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Third Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) Conference

23.11.2010 - 25.11.2010

Ort: Kuala Lumpur

The APERA Conference 2010 is a meeting of educators, educational researchers, policy makers, scholars leaders and administrators, consultants, educational professionals who share, critically question and apply research findings and explore and push further our understanding of all aspects of educational processes which are the subjects of educational research. APERA provides a forum for researchers and policy makers and practitioners to direct and extend educational knowledge based on research findings and insights.

APERA is committed to create opportunities for networking and mentoring among educational researchers nationally, regionally and internationally and contribute to the growth of the next generation of educational researchers who are equal in competence in knowledge inquiry as researchers in all other fields and who would be positive in researching across academic disciplines, cultures and research problems. APERA also promotes the positive, constructive and innovative application of research findings to all fields of human activities.

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