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Bologna Ministerial Anniversary Conference 2010

11.03.2010 - 12.03.2010

Ort: Wien / Budapest

The Bologna Declaration has reformed the structures of European higher education in a revolutionary way and has played a remarkable role in strengthening the competitiveness and attractiveness of European higher education.

This independent intergovernmental initiative, the Bologna Process, has been characterised by the partnership of public authorities, higher education institutions, staff and students, and other important stakeholders. These actors have all made an impressive contribution to the implementation of the Bologna Process and will continue to define the shape of the European Higher Education Area in the future as well.

To honour the achievements of common action and its contribution to enhancing the quality and the diversification of higher education, an extraordinary Ministerial Anniversary Conference will be held and co-hosted by Hungary and Austria on 11-12 March 2010, in Budapest and Vienna. The Ministers in charge of higher education of Austria and Hungary invited their colleagues from the 46 countries participating in the Bologna Process - at the time originally envisaged for the establishment of the European Higher Education Area - to review and assess the progress made towards the achievements of this unique partnership. In the time-honoured tradition of the Bologna Process, the stakeholders will attend the Conference as part of the official delegations and will assess the results of the joint efforts together with the Ministers.
The venues of the conference will be the Parliament Building in Budapest and the Imperial Palace Congress Centre in Vienna. On 12 March 2010 the Second Bologna Policy Forum will be convened as a dialogue between the 46 Bologna countries and countries from across the world. A festive evening event will take place before the second part of the Bologna Ministerial Anniversary Conference in Vienna and with representatives from different stakeholders.

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