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AutorIn 1:Bezold, Clement
AutorIn 2:Bettles, Craig
AutorIn 3:Juech, Claudia
weitere AutorInnen:Michelson, Evan; Peck, Jonathan Peck; Wilkins, Katilyn
HerausgeberIn 1:Institute for Alternative Futures
Titel:Foresight for Smart Globalization: Accelerating & Enhancing Pro-Poor Development Opportunities
Ort:Alexandria, VA
Verlag:Institute for Alternative Futures
Anmerkung:Workshop Report, March 16-20, 2009, The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Bellagio, Italy
Abstract:"(...) The application of pro-poor foresight for envisioning the future of human development is crucial for ensuring long-term prosperity and sustainability. This realization was the guiding and motivating force behind a workshop organized by the Institute for Alternative Futures (IAF), with support from the Rockefeller Foundation. (...)
The report explores three main ideas at the heart of the workshop: pro-poor foresight, anticipatory governance, and smart globalization. It also summarizes the real-world experience of participants in conducting foresight in different geographical regions and the barriers faced in applying foresight for decision-making. Subsequently, it describes three interlocking issues ? energy and climate change, science and technology, and economic governance ? that were discussed in tandem at the workshop. In conclusion, pro-poor foresight provides an opportunity to approach the problems of developing countries in the Global South in a unique, interconnected, and more effective manner. Pro-poor foresight can catalyze insight in the minds of communities and decision-makers, forge new paths for action, and lead to understanding and embracing complexity. In short, it serves as a survival tool through which we, as individuals, as communities, and as a species can escape the bounds of present circumstances and achieve a measure of freedom of choice about our destinies. (...)"
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URL: Institute for Alternative Futures