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AutorIn 1:COST
HerausgeberIn 1:COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Titel:A new society in the making: A COST Interdisciplinary Strategic Initiative in the wake of the Digital Revolution
Untertitel:COST Foresight 2030
Verlag:COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Abstract:"(...) The world is traversing very innovative times. From user virtual communities to new financial instruments, the creative power of individuals is being fostered at proportions previously unseen. The main driver enabling such a pace of innovation, scientific progress, and user adoption is undoubtedly the digital revolution. Therefore, interrelationships between science, technology and society are increasing in complexity. Hence it is becoming more and more important to think, to debate and to shape the future in order to make the investments in science and technology more fruitful and successful and to translate these investments into innovation, competitiveness and quality of life in a long-term perspective. COST Foresight 2030 is an initiative designed to explore a broadly-shared vision for a future world beyond 2030 permeated and shaped by the digital revolution. It will encompass a set of events presenting long-term perspective in the following selected fields -Computer and Communication Sciences and Technologies (CCST), Energy, Food Security, Environmental management, Life enhancement and Society- which play fundamental roles in human life and which are envisaged to be highly influenced by CCST-enabling technologies. The outcomes of the COST Foresight 2030, in the form of Proceedings and Policy Recommendations, will be a valuable tool for researchers, policymakers, industry, consultants, and strategy managers alike. (...)"
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URL: COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology