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Kurzpublikationen zum AMS-Qualifikations-Barometer
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AutorIn 1:Stefan Humpl
AutorIn 2:Maria Kargl
HerausgeberIn 1:3s Unternehmensberatung
Titel:AMS-Skills Barometer - Austrias Target Group oriented Labour Market information System
Verlag:3s Unternehmensberatung
Anmerkung:Publikation anläßlich des jährlichen Treffens des "European Network of Regional Labour Market Monitoring" am 3.10.2008 in Dublin
Abstract:The "AMS-Skills Barometer? was developed to provide a broad group of users with valid, comprehensible and well structured information on current and short term qualification needs as an internet information platform. Information that was already available is exploited and merged in a synoptical way. Information on regional labour market trends is not the main focus of the AMS-Skills Barometer. But since studies used contain regional forecasts and the compilation of information on occupational fields also uses regional labour market data, a regional focus of information on basis of the nine Austrian regions ("Bundesländer?) can be found in the AMS-Skills Barometer. Although there is an attempt to attract more notice to skills and competencies, it is still occupational and vocational information which guides the structure and composition of the information system. Regional information sometimes merges into the AMS-Skills Barometer through the regional distribution of different occupations, and therefore regional labour market trend information is sometimes also part of the edited occupational information (like in specific occupational fields such as service tourism, automotive industries, or the creative industries).
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