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AutorIn 1:Manow, Philip
Titel:The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Untertitel:Esping-Andersen’s regime typology and the religious roots of the western welfare state
Abstract:"(...) The most influential contribution to the comparative welfare state research literature of the last two decades certainly has been Gösta Esping-Andersen’s 1990 book "The Three Worlds of Welfare Captalism". I think it is not unfair to label the typology of OECD-welfare states asdeveloped in the book as essentially 'sergio-leonesque'. Although Esping-Andersen always attempts to base his comparative assessment of welfare state regimes on quantitative analysis and although he is explicitly committed to the standards of "comparative empirical research" (1990: 3), the study can hardly camouflage the strong normative loading of its distinction between Social Democratic, liberal und conservative welfare state regimes. According to this perspective the Social democratic regime plays the role of the good regime since it liberalizes citizens from market dependency via generous welfare entitlements (it 'de-commodifies' labour): "Social rights push back the frontiers of capitalist power" (1990: 16). The liberal regime, in contrast, fills the part of the bad regime since it leaves the market as the prime institution of the distribution of income and life chances more or less untouched. Liberal welfare states offer at best marginal corrections of market outcomes in case of proven need (means testing): Here the "state encourages the market " and the de-commodifying effect of welfare entitlements "is minimized" (1990: 26 and 27). (...)"
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