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AutorIn 1:Tausch, Arno
Titel:"Destructive Creation?? Some long-term Schumpeterian reflections on the Lisbon process
Verlag:Munich Personal RePEc Archive
Anmerkung:Paper, submitted to the XVII Economic Forum, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland, September 5-8, 2007
Abstract:"Starting from Professor Kornai?s assertion about the necessity to focus on the long-term perspectives of the transformation process, we analyze in this paper the Lisbon performance of the countries of the EU from such a long-term, structural perspective. First, we present the 14 Eurostat structural indicators and their measurement deficits as well as a debate about the performance of the countries of the EU in geographical terms. We then analyze this Lisbon indicator performance by factor analytical means. Traditional methods of simply adding together the ranks of the different countries along the 14 structural indicators are insufficient, whereas modern multivariate methods like factor analysis are much more appropriate to arrive at conclusions about combined performances. We eliminate one of the 14 Lisbon structural indicators - regional dispersion of unemployment rates - from the further debate, because that indicator does not produce ANY data throughout the entire observation period for nine of the 27 EU member countries. We then observe the contradictions between some of the remaining 13 indicators, chosen by the member governments and the European Commission, to measure the Lisbonprogress. We conclude that only a Schumpeterian vision of capitalism as a process of "creative destruction? - or rather - "destructive creation? can explain these contradictions, which we empirically reveal in this analysis, and which beset the "Lisbon process? from the very beginning. (...)"
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