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AutorIn 1:EMN
HerausgeberIn 1:European Migration Network (EMN)
Titel:Labour Market Integration of ThirdCountry Nationals in EU Member States
Untertitel:Synthesis Report for the EMN Study
Verlag:European Migration Network (EMN)
Abstract:"(…) The study aims to provide an overview of existing labour market integration policies in Member States targeting third-country nationals. It focusses on current policies and those either recently implemented (as of 2014) or amended since 2014. It offers examples of promising labour market integration measures implemented by the public sector as well as tailored employment-related initiatives provided by the private sector. The study focusses on legally-staying third-country nationals permitted to work in the EU Member States, with an emphasis on migrants who are are first generation. These include those with a work permit and also those with the right to work, such as people holding residence permits for family reasons who are also allowed to take up employment. Specific measures only aimed at beneficiaries of international protection, asylum seekers and students/graduates were excluded from this study, as well as measures provided by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) without any (financial) Involvement from the Member States. (…)"
Download: hier klicken (PDF  972 KB)
URL: European Migration Network (EMN)