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AutorIn 1:Schmid, Günther
HerausgeberIn 1:European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Directorate B ? European Research Area, Unit B.5 ? Social Sciences and Humanities
Titel:New skills and jobs in Europe: Pathways towards full employment
Verlag:Publications Office of the European Union
1. ?Agenda for new skills and jobs? in brief.
2. Reducing labour market segmentation by supporting transitions: towards (...) flexicurity.
2.1. Successes and failures of first-generation flexicurity policies.
2.2. Increasing risks of income and social insecurity related to new jobs.
2.3. Smarter management of employment security through internal flexibility.
2.4. Making transitions pay to enhance efficient job matching and labour mobility.
3. Toward a more skilled workforce: increasing knowledge and developing learning capacities.
3.1. Measuring skills.
3.2. Skills challenges.
3.3. Improving the capacities for anticipating skills needs: from forecasting to learning.
3.4. Solving skill mismatches through active mobility policies.
3.5. Improving the links between education and labour market systems.
4. Toward better job quality and working conditions: productivity and work-related well-being.
4.1. The elusive definition of quality of jobs.
4.2. Is any job better than no job?
4.3. Job quality in growing job sectors.
4.4. The impact of job quality on job quantity.
4.5. Smart work organisations: making the market fit for workers.
5. Toward more and better jobs: reducing barriers; enhancing the capacities of labour demand.
5.1. How fast, how much and where are the new jobs growing?
5.2. The role of employment policy as a support to job creation; green jobs.
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