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Research Networks
The portal was created at the initiative of the Dep. for Educational Development being part of the ?Office of Secondary Schools and Vocational Training? in Zurich. It provides information from enterprises offering apprenticeships, professional associations, offices for vocational training, vocational schools for apprentices and further institutions active in the VET.
Early identification of qualification needs in the Net (FreQueNz)
Sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, FreQueNz is an information and communication platform, in which various institutes contribute to the early identification of qualification needs through the projects they run.
EPALE - ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe
EPALE is a multilingual open membership community funded by the European Commission, as the latest development in an ongoing commitment to improving the quality of adult learning provision in Europe. The site is particularly designed to be of interest to teachers, trainers, researchers, academics, policy makers and anyone else with a professional role in adult learning across Europe.
European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQAVET)
EQAVET is a community of practice bringing together Member States, Social Partners and the European Commission to promote European collaboration in developing and improving quality assurance in VET by using the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework.
European Training Village (ETV)
The European Training Village (ETV) of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is THE reference centre of the European Union to tackle issues related to vocational training. The website provides current information on vocational training in Europe, different discussion forums and workshops, a library and access to data bases and online surveys.
fteval- Austrian Platform for Research & Technology Policy Evaluation
The mission of the Austrian Platform for Research & Technology Policy Evaluation is to encourage more, better and more transparent evaluations for an optimal strategic planning of RTD-policy in Austria and to develop a culture of evaluation together with decision-makers in the field of Austrian technology and research policy.
National Contact Point (NCP) Austria within the European Migration Network (EMN) is the internet gateway of the National Contact Point (NCP) Austria within the European Migration Network (EMN). The gateway serves as an interface between knowledge-retrievers and the NCPs with its research network as knowledge-providers.
ÖFEB Austrian Association of Research and Development in Education
PES Research Network
The Public Employment Service Austria provides the private and public research institutions with this internet platform, meant to serve as a communication forum in order to point up and network national activities in the field of vocational and qualification research.
Platform Research & Technology - fteval
The mission of the Platform Research & Technology Policy Evaluation is to encourage more, better and more transparent evaluations for an optimal strategic planning of RTD-policy in Austria and to develop a culture of evaluation together with decision-makers in the field of Austrian technology and research policy.
ReferNet Austria
Das Fachwissen- und Referenznetzwerk (kurz: ReferNet) wurde vom Cedefop (Europäisches Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung) eingerichtet, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Informationen zu entsprechen, die Vergleiche zwischen den Entwicklungen und politischen Vorgehensweisen in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten ermöglichen. Ziel des ReferNet in Österreich ist die Herstellung von Transparenz und Synergie in der Berufsbildungsforschung, die Verbreitung von Informationen und Forschungsergebnissen sowie die Beratung von Cedefop.
Soziopolis – Observing Society
Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education (SCCRE)
The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State
The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare Sate represents an Austrian National Research Network pooling research efforts and allowing for close collaboration of researchers within and outside the country
The Austrian Society for Sociology (ÖGS)
The Austrian Society for Sociology (ÖGS) is a vocational association and an interest group for sociologists in Austria. Furthermore, ÖGS acts as a network, which connects people and institutions that co-operate nationally and internationally and deal with the interaction between science and society. In this spirit, the website supports the scientific communication and keeps the public informed.
Vocational Education and Training pages of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (
The information platform of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the federal department for foreign affairs, responsible for VET projects as well as for national and international conferences.