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7th IAIMTE International Conference - Learning and Teaching Language and Literature

23.06.2009 - 26.06.2009

Ort: Toronto

Recent IAIMTE conferences (1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007) succeeded because of their relatively small scale, high levels of social interaction, and the diverse range of languages and educational cultures represented. The conference proposed for 2009 builds on these strengths to create a context where researchers and teachers of mother tongue education meet to share their research and through interactive dialogue, understand and appreciate the shared challenges of mother-tongue education in shifting contexts and cultures.
We invite you to participate in this conference for specialists in the teaching & learning of language and literature including early childhood, primary and secondary schools and higher education. The conference aims to exchange theory, research, curricular developments, and 'best practices' in education, teacher education and in-service. The exchanges and interactions offer an international platform for language and education researchers and practitioners - including Ph.D. candidates - to present their research and reflections on mother tongue education in their particular national, educational and school contexts to a truly international audience.

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