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International Conference: ICT for a Global Sustainable Future

22.01.2009 - 23.01.2009

Ort: Brüssel

Today?s societies are facing increasingly complex issues, unprecedented in the history of mankind, and serious risks of breakdowns are in sight, as far as environmental, economic and social issues are concerned. In order to avoid major worldwide crises, industrial, emerging and developing countries will need to agree, sooner or later, on an alternative way forward, based on a true sustainable development, a more sustainable economic growth, more equally shared resources. What is at stake is durable innovation paths for companies and, ultimately, the wellbeing of all citizens of the world to be measured by new indexes going "beyond GDP".
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will play a central role in this future, not only because ICT have become in just two decades a key driver of the development of all countries worldwide, but also because ICT can efficiently contribute to the achievement of the revised economic, social and environmental objectives which this future envisages. Moreover, Europe is undoubtedly well placed to proactively promote this new concept of progress towards a true sustainable future.
In this context, the "ICT for a global sustainable future" conference is organised, with the support of the PARADISO project, on January 22-23, 2009 at the European Commission in Brussels.

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