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World Outgames International Conference on LGBT Human Rights

27.07.2009 - 29.07.2009

Ort: Kopenhagen

This is an invitation to the World Outgames 2nd International Conference on LGBT Human Rights in Copenhagen 27th - 29th  July, 2009. 1000 delegates from around the world are expected to participate in the 3-day conference, which will be part of World Outgames in 2009. The conference will be held at the new and spectacular Danish Radio's concert hall, and the program will include a wide range of high-profile international keynote speakers.
Call for proposals: The call is now open for workshop proposals. We invite everyone to  submit proposals for workshops within the ten conference themes: Human Rights and Politics, Health, Culture and Media, Education, Family  and Relationships, Sport, Workers Out, Sexuality, Pleasure and Body Politics, Out in Business, LGBT History To reserve a place at the conference, workshop presenters should register as early as possible, even if they have not yet submitted their workshop proposal or have not yet heard whether their proposal has been accepted. Workshop presenters must also cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.

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