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HEAL/EUREGHA Conference: Climate change and the challenges for public health: engaging the regions


Ort: Brüssel

The Health and Environment Alliance is co-organising a conference on "Climate change and the challenges for public health: engaging the regions" with the EUropean REGional Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA), the Veneto Region Brussels Office and North West of England Regional Health Office.
The objective of the conference, taking place in Brussels at the Committee of the Regions on 24 June 2008, is to provide a forum for discussion on the health implications of the proposed "Climate Action and Renewable Energy Package", and raise awareness of regional climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives.
Climate change is beginning to damage our natural life-support system and poses a severe threat to public health. Risks include the impacts of heat waves, floods and wildfires, changes in infectious disease patterns, the effect of worsening food yields and loss of livelihoods. If we are to avoid the worst of these effects engaging the energy and enthusiasm of local and regional actors is crucial, not least of all because it is their action on the ground that can make a real difference in tackling our high carbon lifestyles.

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