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International Conference: Child in the City

03.11.2008 - 05.11.2008

Ort: Rotterdam

For the 4th time the European Network Child Friendly Cities wants to invite you to participate in the Child in the City Conference which will be held at 3,4 and 5 November 2008 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The European Network for Child Friendly Cities and the Child in the City Foundation are co-operating on this conference, which focuses on two themes. The conference will discuss the theme of child-friendliness on a small scale: the Child Friendly Communities. Children can have an overview of this scale, which moreover enables a co-operation of a variety of partners which is easier to realise than on the level of the municipality. The second theme will offer an answer to a question that has been asked several times at the former conferences: when can a city be called a child friendly city, or what are the Points of Reference for Child Friendly Cities.

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