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Fifth International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability: The Sustainable City 2008

24.09.2008 - 26.09.2008

Ort: Skiathos

The Conference aims to address the many inter-related aspects of the urban environment from transport and mobility to social exclusion and crime prevention. It is hoped that the meeting will build on the contributions made in previous conferences, which successfully managed to provide an international view of the problems facing modern cities and their solutions.
Urban areas produce a series of environmental problems arising from the consumption of natural resources and the consequent generation of waste and pollution. These problems contribute to the development of social and economic imbalances. All these problems, that continue to grow in our society, require the development of new solutions.
The Sustainable City 2008 follows four very successful meetings held in Rio (2000); Spain (2002), Siena (2004) and Tallinn (2006). The Conferences attracted a large number of contributions from participants from different backgrounds and countries. The variety of backgrounds and experiences is one of the main reasons behind the success of the series.

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