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The 3rd World Forum on Human Rights

30.06.2008 - 03.07.2008

Ort: Lyon

In an era where disparities, intolerance and violence fail to stop increasing, human rights need promoting and protecting more than ever. This protection is none other than a collective enterprise, that of the international community as a whole.
Two editions of the World Forum on Human Rights have already been held, one in 2004 and the other in 2006. The latest edition gathered together 1,200 participants and speakers, representing more than 70 different nationalities, at the Nantes Metropolis International Convention Centre.
Adopting the title, "From Major Principles to Local Action", issues in the headlines concerning human rights were discussed by State and parliamentary officials, by representatives from towns and local governments worldwide, by members from international organizations, from the academic world and from the civil society.
Hence, the World Forum on Human Rights is deemed to become a much-awaited event by all those working in this field, those who could have begun by sharing their knowledge and experience on the Website

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