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2nd EMES-ISTR European Conference: The Third Sector and Sustainable Social Change - New Frontiers for Research

09.07.2008 - 12.07.2008

Ort: Barcelona

In the last two decades the world?s diverse economies and societies have undergone historical transformations of unprecedented breadth and depth. This new world stage has generated special concern among governments and diverse civil society actors on the kinds of social change that are occurring and the impact that change is having. In Europe, demands and increases in the provision of public goods have achieved some degree of efficiency and equity, but in other regions of the world many peoples? basic needs are not being satisfied by states or market mechanisms.
Although the Third Sector has shown significant advances in attaining more just and inclusivla Sagrada Famíliae societies, there remain enormous practical and theoretical challenges that demand multi-disciplinary approaches and new strategic alliances among those engaged in development.
In addition, we are particularly interested in exploring the role of religion, social movements, governance and multi-sector partnerships. As well, topics including civic participation, community development and citizenship, and the application of research-based knowledge to policy and practice will be explored. As always, this ISTR conference is multi-disciplinary in its approach. It offers an opportunity for scholars and practitioners to discuss theoretical and empirical insights, to identify vital areas for new enquiry and to establish contacts with those having similar interests.
It is our hope that this conference theme will inspire stimulating debate and discussion, and create exciting collaborations. We look forward to this global gathering of colleagues for a dynamic academic, networking, and social experience.

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