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7th European Feminist Research Conference: Gendered Cultures at the Crossroads of Imagination, Knowledge and Politics

04.06.2009 - 07.06.2009

Ort: Utrecht

The 7th European Feminist Research Conference "Gendered Cultures" focuses on Europe and European perspectives, combining the Humanities with (inter)disciplinary research from other scientific traditions. It actively seeks cutting-edge scholarship by working with papers organized around intersecting themes. Cutting-edge comes to mean "inclusive" rather than "new" research on gender, women, and feminism at the crossroads of different practices of imagination, knowledge and politics. Both young and established researchers are invited to present papers that accept this challenge for the future. European Women's Studies Associations are explicitly invited to have their annual meetings at the 7th European Feminist Research Conference. Contact the organization for more information at
The conference is a triennial event organized by the Gender Studies Programme (Utrecht University), AOIFE and ATHENA. Previous European Feminist Research Conferences were held at the universities of: Aalborg (1991), Graz (1994), Coimbra (1997), Bologna (2000), Lund (2003) and Lódz (2006).

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