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Business angel investing: Entrepreneurial Capital for the 21st century

14.04.2008 - 15.04.2008

Ort: Arnheim

Following the great success of the 2007 EBAN Congress in Portugal in April, EBAN - The European Assocaition of Business Angel Networks - is proud to announce its 8th Annual Congress, to be held in Arnhem - Netherlands on the 14th and 15th of April 2008. The event will take place in the prestigious Musis Sacrum of Arnhem.
This will be the 8th Edition of the an annual event gathering every year more participants, from business angel network managers, regional economic development professionals, fund managers and institutional investors to policy makers, innovation professionals, and researchers. This year, the conference?s main theme is "Business angel investing: Entrepreneurial Capital for the 21st Century". About 25 speakers will present expected evolutions of the early stage investment market in and beyond European Borders. On the evening of the first day, the 3rd EBAN Award Ceremony will take place, with 4 premiums rewarding best performances of individuals/teams and initiatives in Europe. The Ceremony will be animated by Richard Lewis, one of the world?s most renowned inter-culturalists and linguists.

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