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IALI-Conference 2008

12.03.2008 - 14.03.2008

Ort: Adelaide

The Adelaide, South Australia Conference follows a most successful first IALI Conference in North America in 2006, hosted by our IALI colleagues in Toronto, Canada. That conference focussed on "From compliance to high performance".
The International Conference theme for Adelaide: Towards Healthy, Safe & Decent Work through Alliances, Ethics & Influence will be of significant interest to all IALI members. To be effective, OHS inspectors need to gain commitment from all the people and organisations that can contribute to creating safe and healthy working conditions. OHS inspectors cannot achieve this objective by working alone.

The Conference will focus on three core topics.
1. Alliances, which will focus on strengthening labour inspection through regional cooperation, is a long standing principle of both the IALI?s approach to its activities and the ILO?s strategy for safe and decent work. Through sharing good practice and addressing the issues associated with the globalised workforce, we can develop alliances that will ensure effective labour inspection across the world.
2. In 2005, the IALI voted to make the development of a Global Code of Ethics a priority activity to ensure that labour inspectorates are established with the appropriate basis of professional conduct to modernise their practices, ensure they can operate in partnership and harmony, and meet the expectations of industry and all workforce participants.
3. Influence to build and foster foundations for effective labour inspection across the globe depends on the capacity of labour inspection systems to be able to demonstrate their value through measuring effectiveness. Meeting this challenge is a key strategy to influence and promote safe, healthy and decent work outcomes as well as sustainable economic development.

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