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The Governance of European Universities post 2010 (II):Enhancing Institutional Mission and Profiles

27.03.2008 - 29.03.2008

Ort: Barcelona

The Lisbon Declaration (April 2007) states that "For universities, the adaptability and flexibility required to respond to a changing society and to changing demands relies above all on increased autonomy and adequate funding, giving them the space in which to find their place." This statement provided the starting point of the Wroclaw Conference (October 2007), which focused on the rapidly changing relationship between universities and the state and explored the major impact of these changes on both the internal and external governance of universities by addressing different elements of autonomy and accountability.
The Barcelona Conference follows on from the recent Wroclaw Conference (October 2007) and also builds on the EUA Brno Conference (October 2006), which demonstrated the growing importance of the regional role of universities that encompasses all aspects of the university mission in responding to the different challenges facing both universities and HE systems.

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