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OECD-Konferenz: Higher Education: Spaces and Places for Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer

21.05.2008 - 23.05.2008

Ort: Helsinki

The OECD is holding a conference on "higher education: spaces and places for learning, innovation and knowledge transfer" on the 21-23 May 2008 in Helsinki, Finland.
The conference will examine the trends in higher education and their impact on the variety of spaces and places used such as offices, laboratories or social spaces. It aims to bring together policy makers, higher education leaders and managers, academics, designers and developers, to analyse these issues and exchange ideas on developing better and more responsive physical environments.
Please note that the event has limited capacity and priority will be given to those who register early. The deadline to register with the early bird fee is the 11 April 2008, while the final deadline for registration is the 9 May 2008.

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