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The school - a learning organisation? Conference on evaluation and quality work in school

07.04.2008 - 08.04.2008

Ort: Lillehammer

We invite researchers and people interested in research on schools as learning organisations. "We" are a group of teachers/researchers from Norwegian universities and colleges who have for several years run a network to research and develop ideas in this field. Norway and other Scandinavian countries have had a tradition of school-based evaluation as an important part of school development. This has been our version of "schools as learning organisations". Research has shown that this kind of school development work has been a difficult challenge for most schools.
In later years PISA, TIMMS and other international forms of comparative documentation have raised questions about school quality. Educational policies in many countries have used these results as a platform for tougher demands on schools with respect to documenting better learning results. Does this indicate that that our tradition in school development and school-based evaluation is inadequate if our society demands more quality in schools?
We have invited well-known researchers to the conference, such as Professor John Macbeath from UK, Professor Mats Ekholm from Sweden, Professor Peter Dahler-Larsen from Denmark and Professor Sylvi Lillejord from Norway to present their view on these questions and problems.
We also welcome researchers and teachers to present their experiences and research results in parallel sessions. Together, we hope plenary presentations and papers sessions will give us a more complete picture of our knowledge of schools as "learning organisations". Research to date is inconclusive and too fragmentary, such that further insights from practical experience will be invaluable in coming years.

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