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Annual Meeting & 100th Anniversary of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG): The Future of Health Care Systems

11.05.2018 - 12.05.2018

Ort: Wien

Progress in medical treatment and improvements in preventive health care have contributed to a significant increase in life expectancy in most industrialized countries during the last decades. At the same time, health care systems have come under increasing funding pressure due to the extended application of cost-intensive medical technologies on the one hand, and population ageing on the other. In the light of these facts, a debate on policy reforms has to address the structure of the health sector as well as its organizational efficiency. A second set of concerns relates to the fact that health outcomes, health behaviour and the access to health care differ across individuals. With income and wealth inequality being on the rise in many Western countries, this raises policy issues about the role of health care systems in generating, or mitigating, health-related inequality.

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