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2. JungökonomInnen-Konferenz "The Economy in Crisis and the Crisis in Economics"

09.09.2013 - 11.09.2013

Ort: Wien

VERANSTALTUNGSORT: Bildungszentrum der AK-Wien, Sitzungssal 11 a/b, 1. Stock, Theresianumgasse 16-18, 1040 Wien.

ANMELDUNG erbeten bis Freitag, den 23.08.2013 an E-Mail:

The Great Recession roiled not only the economy but also economics. While the eruption of the crisis begged the question why economists did not see it coming, the main question today is why countries, especially in Europe, have not been led back to a path of stability. Young researchers have the chance to draw the lessons from the crisis and to push the boundaries of economics further out.

For this reason the Chamber of Labour Vienna hosts a conference from the 9th to the 11th of September 2013, for which researchers at the beginning of their career (pre- or post-doc) are specifically invited to attend.

Keynote speaker is John King, economics professor at La Trobe University in Melbourne with research interests in Post Keynesianism, the history of economic thought and economic methodology. Invited speakers include Hardy Hanappi, Özlem Onaran, and Alyssa Schneebaum.

Programm: öffnen hier klicken  (PDF  201 KB)