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Beyond the leaky pipeline - Challenges for research on gender and science

19.10.2010 - 20.10.2010

Ort: Brüssel

The Final conference of the study "Meta-analysis of gender and science in research" will take place on 19th to 20th October 2010 at the Institut pour l'Egalité des Femmes et des Hommes, in Brussels, Belgium.

The purpose of the study mentioned above, is to collect and analyse research on horizontal and vertical segregation in research careers, addressing the underlying causes and effects of these two aspects.

The main objective of the conference is to present the conclusions of the study and to discuss with experts and policy-makers the possibilities and challenges for European and national research on gender and science and policies towards gender equality in science.

Programm: öffnen hier klicken  (PDF  29 KB)

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