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Konferenz "Regionen für den wirtschaftlichen Wandel 2010"

20.05.2010 - 21.05.2010

Ort: Brüssel

The "Regions for Economic Change" initiative promoting good practice began in 2006 just before the start of the current programming period (2007-2013) of European cohesion policy programmes. The initiative emerged as a result of a general recognition of the need for a more coordinated approach to good practice exchange and more effective networking among regions to contribute to improving the quality of cohesion policy programmes.

Closely linked to the Territorial Cooperation objective, the "Regions for Economic Change" initiative introduces new ways to dynamise regional and urban networks and to help them work closely with the Commission, test innovative ideas and enable a rapid transfer into the Convergence, Regional Competitiveness and Employment, and European Territorial cooperation programmes. It also encompasses communication activities such as a web site, a database of case studies and the RegioStars Awards scheme (with CityStars categories). Financing for the network projects linked to the initiative is possible under INTERREG IVC, the 2007-2013 interregional cooperation programme, and URBACT II, the 2007-2013 cooperation programme on urban issues.

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