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Internationale Fachtagung: Stabilising an unequal economy? Public debt, financial regulation, and income distribution

29.10.2010 - 30.10.2010

Ort: Berlin

Minsky's question of how to stabilise an unstable economy is obviously of renewed importance today. But are the present policies merely stabilising an unsustainable accumulation regime based on income polarisation and the dominance of financial markets? What are the economic and political implications of rising public debt? How can financial regulation contribute to stability as well as equity? The submission of papers in the following areas is encouraged: Financial instability and financial regulation; the future role of fiscal policy and the economic and social implications of rising public debt; income distribution and the causes of the crisis; distributional effects of the stabilisation policies; jobless recovery and alternatives for full employment; changes in the accumulation regime: return to business-as-usual? What are the alternatives?

For the open part of the conference the submission of papers on the general subject of the Research Network is encouraged as well. We also ask for the submission of papers for graduate student sessions on both the specific topic of this conference and the general subject of the Research Network. We intend to organise an introductory workshop on Keynesian economics aimed at graduate students on 28 October.

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