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EuroSun 2010

28.09.2010 - 01.10.2010

Ort: Graz

EuroSun is Europe's largest conference on solar thermal energy. EuroSun conferences are organized biennially by ISES Europe and are dedicated to a scientific audience in the field of solar energy. Like EuroSun 2008 in Lisbon, EuroSun 2010 will be organised together with the IEA SHC program and will focus on solar heating, cooling and buildings.

Since the Lisbon conference, international business has been dominated by the world financial and economic crisis. However, the solar thermal market has successfully resisted the crisis so far. R&D has led to many promising innovations and developments in fields such as the supply of heating for buildings, process heat and solar cooling.

EuroSun 2010 will be an excellent platform for exchanging and discussing the latest R&D results, learning more about problems and their solutions, seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

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