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European conference ?Poverty between reality and perceptions: the communication challenge?


Ort: Brüssel

The 2010 European Year aims at reaching a wide range of people in society in order to change perceptions of poverty and exclusion. To achieve this, the media needs to play an active role. We are pleased to invite you to a European conference ?Poverty between reality and perceptions: the communication challenge?. The event will be organised by the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities in Brussels on 29th October 2009. The conference will take place in Brussels on 29th October. In addition to journalists, other stakeholders involved in the fight against poverty and social exclusion will participate, including representatives from the EU institutions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), social partners, local authorities, international organisations and academics. The event aims at facilitating an open, informative and analytical exchange, which will break with stereotypes about poverty and social exclusion, and at building long-term relations with the media which will result in the development of a network to promote the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.

Programm: öffnen hier klicken  (PDF  57 KB)

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