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ECER 2020: Educational Research (Re)connecting

24.08.2020 - 28.08.2020

Ort: Glasgow

"(...) The ECER 2020 in Glasgow intends to interrogate the capacity of educational research to address the complexity of the challenges that are encountered in connecting and reconnecting communities in contemporary Europe.

The concept of community is a complex one open to many different, and often contradictory, interpretations and operationalisations. As citizens and researchers we are members of a diverse range of often overlapping communities at local, national, international, disciplinary and institutional levels. How we choose to conceptualise community and how this interacts with the views and values of researchers and practitioners is at the heart of many strands of educational research. The diverse web of relationships and meanings that link education and community is reflected in valuable and socially relevant educational research that has generative potential to address the challenges of (re)connecting communities. (...)"

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