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X INTERNATIONAL GUIDE CONFERENCE: Optimizing Higher Education for the Professional Student: A balance of flexibility, quality and cultural sensitivity

16.09.2015 - 18.09.2015

Ort: Wien

The X International GUIDE Conference “Optimizing Higher Education for the Professional Student: A balance of flexibility, quality and cultural sensitivity”, will be held on September 16-18, 2015 at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (Vienna), Austria’s largest technical university of applied sciences that offers both traditional and distance degree programs.

The conference aims to promote discussion on improving higher education, bringing to light the needs of the evolving 21st century student and proposing new pedagogical strategies and technologies for meeting those needs. Particular attention will also be given to the continuing education and training of the working professional student, as well as the essential role of international collaboration and cultural sensitivity in the advancement of higher education research and technology.

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